Working with Children - new legislation and what it means to us
As at the 1st August 2017 the Working With Children legislation was updated and it includes far greater coverage than ever before and naturally it imposes far greater fines than ever before. Essentially the new legislation means that any one working directly and now indirectly with children are to have a working with child check this done. The FTGDCA have made a recommendation that we will be adopting to have the following people within the club undergo a working with children check
All Junior Coaches and Team Managers
All Senior Captains and Vice Captains
Any club official that will likely make contact with juniors via email, sms, facebook or any other social media
The entire club committee
Fortunately this does not incur a cost, it just takes some time to complete a form that you can pick up from the Post Office and provide a photo and submit it.
Any previous exemptions for parents no longer applies.