Email: nic_2201@optusnet.com.au
President - Steve Gannell (0404 829 714)
Vice President - James Todd (0407 325 102)
Secretary - Nicola Hurst
Treasurer - Damian Berenato
Junior coordinator - Bec Jewell
Womens Cricket - Jacqui Cooke
Child Safety Officer - James Todd (0407 325 102)
General Committee
Facilities Manager - Lachlan Jansen
Merchandise - Steve Atheron
Bar Manager - Ben Butterworth
Player Welfare Officer - Josh O'Brien/Jess Ducat
General - Darren Buck, Chris Jewell, Ben Casey
If you would like to contact our Junior Co-ordinator, Bec Jewell please just fill out our contact form and she will get right back to you
If you would like to contact our club secretary by email just fill in our email form and click the send button and we will be in touch.