The Great Bacon Safari
We are going to have a bit of fun this year as it is fairly obvious that a lot of us like Bacon. So we are going to have ourselves a Bacon safari. This will be a mix of bacon recipes, photos and some competitions that will ultimately end up with a great Bacon Bake Off at the end of the season.
As this will undoubtedly be very popular, only the most recent version will be shown on our mobile phone version of the website

Bacon Studio
The Bacon Studio is a chance for you to win a great prize by submitting a picture of yourself with something to do with bacon. It could be location based - "here is me with my bacon breakfast in Norway" or just any photo opportunity you get that is different. Submit your pics via email to baconpics@upweycc.com.au The picture judged to be the most unique will win a wonderful prize at the end of the season.
Click on any of the pics to see a full image
Entry 1 - Paul McCarrick - Parma with Bacon & Egg
On the way to the footy and Smoo stops for his traditional touring chicken parma and discovered the ultimate dish - chicken parma with bacon and egg

Entry 2 - Plugger at Yarrawonga with the raffle
The end of season trip to Yarrawonga saw the boys win the meat raffle at the pub whcih was a $25 voucher from the local butcher. Needless to say it was all spent on bacon for the Sunday brekkie. A somewhat dusty looking plugger doing to cook up